A few months ago I was given an opportunity to be a gospel radio host for an upcoming nationally syndicated radio show out of Atlanta, GA. I was so excited about it I immediately said, “Yes!” I knew this was what I had been waiting to push my career to another level. I wanted to become a household name. I wanted to be well known and rub elbows with the rich and famous. Then to top it off, they wanted my husband too! Yes I know this is God’s plan or was it? I wanted to do all those things. Jeremiah 29:11 reads, “I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and to give you an expected end.” Most people stop at plans to prosper you because everyone wants to get rich or die tryin’. I realized these were the things I wanted for me to give me an expected end according to my plans.
I had to pull back and focus on what was presented and prioritize some things to ensure that this lined up with God’s plans for my life. First, I didn’t consult God. I said yes immediately. Secondly, I could not rest. I had no peace about it. Proverbs 10:22 reads, “The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and He addeth no sorrow with it.” I was sad because I did not want to take time away from God. So if this was a blessing, why was I in such distress about it? This was not a blessing, a great opportunity, but not a blessing from God. And Thirdly, my husband agreed to do it because he knew I wanted this, but was not really in agreement with the idea. Three strikes, you’re out!
So I called my cousin and informed him that my husband and I could not commit to this right now and that God’s plans for us was different. Meaning that He’s going to elevate us in His way and in His timing. My cousin responded and was proud of us. So be patient and wait on God to ensure that your expected end is God’s plan and not your own.