A couple of Sundays ago, my husband and I had the honor to speak at a men and women day church program in Lumpkin, Ga. The subject of the program was Being In Unity. I looked up the meaning of unity first which can be defined as oneness or wholeness, harmony, peace, love all which are beneficial. When we come together it reflects the attitude of who we serve. Which should be Christ. To experience the kingdom work of God in our churches, families, and even in the community; unity is crucial. Then I went to God in prayer and I asked God why is unity so important and when was it broken? Without unity, there is no endurance in the body of Christ. The following day, the Lord gave me a message.
When I thought of unity I immediately thought of the beginning. After God created everything on earth and in earth, He stated in Genesis 2:18, "It is not good that man shall be alone, I will make him a help meet for him." Adam was proud of his help meet. He was so proud, he named her because God had given Adam the authority to name everything in the Garden. After she was created, Adam said, "Now this is bone of my bone, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman because she was made out of Man." Just when things are united and getting better in your house, with your kids, on your job, immediately the enemy seeks to sow discord among God's people. The enemy knows that God will not work amid division or dissension.
Immediately, in chapter 3, the serpent came and planted the seed of doubt with his words which brought division between Adam and Eve. Adam is no longer proud to have a help meet, because when God asked Adam where he was and how he knew he was naked, Adam rejected, blamed, and shamed Eve publicly with his words by saying, "The woman You gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat" The woman he named, the woman that was a part of him, he no longer wanted to claim her. This message is not to shame man, but to encourage every woman that has been carrying this weight for years to let them know it's time to leave it at the well. God gave you an assignment at the beginning and no matter what you have gone through, it's still your assignment. If He called and equipped you with the assignment, He also called and equipped you for the attacks. Ladies, we have too much work to do for us to sit around and watch things happen in our church, in our marriages, in our homes, with our children, and in our communities. It's time to leave it at the well.
Why at the well? In John 4:5-26, while Jesus was on His way to Galilee, He came to a city of Samaria called Sychar which means end. There was a woman of Samaria that was an outcast within her own community. When she had the encounter with Jesus at the well, Jesus asked her to give Him a drink. The woman noticed Jesus had nothing to draw the water with. By now, you should know that he didn't come for the water, He came for the woman. Jesus asked the woman to call her husband to come here. The woman replied, "I don't have a husband." Jesus said to her, “You have well said, ‘I have no husband,’ for you have had five husbands, and the one whom you now have is not your husband; in that you spoke truly.” Let’s just be honest with ourselves about our issues! God can’t do the work in us unless we are honest with ourselves first. We all have, or we've had issues, or traumas whether it was from childhood traumas, church traumas, relationship traumas, daddy traumas, or mama traumas. We cannot live in unity until we leave these issues or traumas at the well.
The well—is in the center of the community where everyone met, but the Samaritan
woman met at the hottest part of the day to avoid people. How many people are you
avoiding? Better yet, how many people are avoiding the church? No one witnessed to
this isolated woman. They talked about her but didn’t talk to her. But Jesus did not forget her and He made sure she knew that.
I am here to tell you don’t give up on yourself and don’t give up on God. Like the
woman with a spirit of infirmity, your situation might be so bad that you can no way lift
yourself, but God can! Your end of your bondage is near. Declare and decree today you are leaving everything that is not producing a purposed filled life at the well.
I’m leaving:
Past hurt at the well
Comparison at the well
Hate at the well
Bitterness at the well
Shame at the well
Doubt at the well
Fear at the well
Abuse at the well
Guilt at the well
Low-self esteem at the well
Daddy issues at the well
Mama issues at the well
Rejection at the well
Unforgiveness at the well
As you take your final walk to the well to lay all of your burdens down, to lay all of the weight that you have carried back and forth for years, just remember: It was God who created her, Man who shamed her, but Jesus who restored her, all because she was willing to leave it ALL at the well.
Awwwwwwsome I am so Godly proud of everything you put your hands to....